To visually check the occlusion, we offer an extensive assortment. There are different papers, silks and foils, to fulfill the multiple requirements needed to precisely analyze tooth contact relations in static and dynamic occlusion.

To visualize occlusal contacts accurately, we recommend using a combination of various testing materials.

Bausch Articulating Paper with progressive color transfer has proven to be the best in visualizing static occlusion. The sponge-like structure of the soft micro-fleece paper stores the color, which is released under pressure. On heavy contacts (=greatest masticatory pressure), more color is squeezed out producing dark marks; on light contacts (=slight masticatory pressure) accordingly less color, therefore light marks. To visualize contacts on saliva moistened surfaces, the contact color is optimized by adding a Transculase® bonding agent. The progressive papers therefore mark extremely well on wet, polished metal or highly glazed porcelain surfaces. Due to this specific pressure sensitive articulating paper, an exact relief of pressure distribution in habitual occlusion can be achieved.

For the visual interpretation of occlusal relations, a combination of different occlusion testing materials, have proven best in everyday practice.