Occlusion as a discipline is struggling to find its place in the university curriculum. The few opportunities to put occlusion into practice in university dental care centers lead to graduates who consider the field of occlusion as a complex discipline, beyond the research of the general dentist and somewhat reserved in a panel situation. This book aims to demystify these a priori and demonstrate the essential place of occlusion in daily practice from simple occlusal filling to prosthetic treatments. In the same way that the music theory is the basis for the musician, few basic concepts are essential to understand the masticatory apparatus as a whole and the interactions of its various components. Co-written by clinicians and university teachers, the concepts outlined in this work are the synthesis of long clinical practice and pedagogy. We wanted to give a large place to the iconography of all chapters to enhance reading and facilitate comprehension. In this book, we will provide the answers to the questions that a large number of general dental practitioners and students have. For more information visit: https://www.occlusion-made-easy.com/ |